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Fila at Marmomac Restart Digital Edition 2020
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Fila at Marmomac Restart Digital Edition 2020


This year’s Marmomac is going digital: Marmomac Restart Digital Edition 2020 is scheduled to take place September 30th to October 2nd. FILA is excited to participate again this year with the latest cleaning and treatment solutions for natural stone. 

Don’t miss these 3 live broadcasts on Zoom and YouTube, where we’ll discuss:

·      Market trends: antibacterial protection.

·      What are the benefits of an in-line slab protection treatment?

·      What are the fundamental treatment steps during the project and in the maintenance phases?

·      Slabs protected with an antibacterial treatment – what impact does it have on the natural stone production process?

·      What are the advantages of pre-treatments, from basic water repellence to antibacterial treatments? For slab stock and transportation, at the job site, during a project…



[ITALIAN] 1st OCTOBER 11.15 am 
FILA, dalla cava alla casa: trattamenti e manutenzione antibatterica nel ciclo di vita della pietra. 

link zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83491567382
link youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gmLPOGJwTA  


[ENGLISH] 1st OCTOBER 2.15 pm  
FILA's treatment, protection and maintenance of natural stones & COVID-19's impact on the hygiene and protection of the project surfaces

link zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86205910001
link youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEJTzbtHE7Y


[GERMAN] 2nd OCTOBER 11.15 am
FILA vom Steinbruch ins Haus: Antibakterielle Behandlungen und Werterhaltung im Lebenszyklus des Steins.

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