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FILA On the green road
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FILA On the green road


Respect for the environment has always been a priority for FILA. The company’s commitment to green issues is continuous and intentional, because we believe it takes dedication and consistency to reach ambitious goals. Every action we take is guided by a determined vision aimed at reaching a substantial paradigm shift.

The progress we’ve made

Currently, all FILA divisions are involved in a series of activities which intend to solidify the green philosophy that is at the foundation of every company undertaking.
The creation of the products in the FILA Green Line is a clear example of how our environmentally sustainable goals become concrete actions. The products in the line are characterized by highly biodegradable, concentrated, nontoxic formulas that do not contain solvents, formaldehyde, hypochlorites, or carcinogenic substances. 

In addition, the products in the FILA Green Line are VOC FREE: product formulas without volatile organic compounds which pollute the environment. 
And let’s not forget our meticulous recycling system that optimizes waste disposal and our use of photovoltaic panels – present at FILA headquarters since 2012 – which cover the energetic needs of the company.
In 2012, the company produced 364.608 tons of waste, while in 2020 only 312.51 tons. Numbers don’t lie; they are the tangible and measurable evidence of the green initiatives that FILA has taken in the past few years.

FILA’s GREEN future starts here

FILA is a member of the GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL ITALIA and concretely supports the LEED certification process.
The LEED green building rating was created by the USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) and defines the criteria for sustainable construction.

FILA in Ongreening

OnGreening is a virtual space dedicated to professionals who work in the field of environmentally sustainable construction. Ongreening was created to provide tools and knowledge about green building materials and information regarding LEED certification. FILA products and solutions are present in the Ongreening database. 
By looking at the product data sheets, users can immediately check the eco-sustainable qualities of each solution which, once they are applied to a specific construction project, count as credits towards the LEED certification.

Ongreening has the advantage of being an extensive collection of the most important information regarding green building construction, a place where professionals can deepen their knowledge of FILA products and how they adhere to specific environmental protocols.
FILA’s presence in Ongreening is another testament to our constant commitment to solutions that respect the environment. Ongreening’s easy-to-use platform is for anyone who is passionate about eco-sustainable practices and materials.

EcoEvents Legambiente

FILA is a sponsor of Sassuolo Calcio (Sassuolo’s football team). The events of the team are organized by MASTER GROUP SPORT with the objective of creating the perfect mix between sport and environmental sustainability. In fact, a recent event dedicated to Calciomercato was honoured by the “EcoEvents Legambiente” certification. On this occasion, FILA also participated as the official supplier of surface disinfectants, creating an eco-sustainable and Covid-free event. 

Amazon’s Climate Pledge Friendly products

The Seattle giant has presented FILA with an important certification, Climate Pledge Friendly, which helps users shop for eco-friendly products. Climate Pledge Friendly is Amazon’s certification aimed at showcasing products that meet sustainability standards and help preserve the environment. 
DETERDEK PRO and CLEANER PRO have received Amazon’s Compact by Design certification of Climate Pledge Friendly products. This means that the product packaging was designed effectively, removing excess air and water, making them more efficient to ship and leading to significant carbon emission reductions.

How we see the future

As we explained in the beginning of the article, FILA’s green commitments are ongoing. New objectives in line with environmental sustainability are ready to be reached. Our company’s commitment towards a radical transformation is far-reaching and focused on increasingly ambitious objectives.
In FILA’s company culture, to be “green” means to stand out in the market, to improve our performance and to play an active role in an international network of companies with a clear vision about the future of business. In a word – green!


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