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Colored stains (ink, coffee, felt tip pens...)

Terracotta, quarry tiles and brick

macchie-sul-cottoTerracotta is a classic flooring material, frequently used in residential kitchens and living rooms. These areas are subject to heavy traffic, often causing spots and stains. Coffee and fruit juice spills are common, and children sometimes stain surfaces with felt tip pens or colored inks.

To remove colored stains from terracotta, SR95 Stain Remover is the perfect solution.

Shake the product well before use. Completely cover the stain and let sit for 15 minutes, until it disappears. Remove any residue with a sponge. Should stubborn stains remain on marble surfaces, remove the product before it dries completely and repeat the application.  

Alternatively, use PS87 Heavy Duty Cleaner diluted 1:5. Scrub vigorously with an abrasive pad and rinse thoroughly.

You can then restore or complete the stain protection treatment with the product most suited to your type of natural stone.


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