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Torre Arcobaleno


Fila is one of the companies involved in redevelopment of the famous Torre Arcobaleno, located close to the important Porta Garibalidi railways station in Milan. This tower in Milan dates back to the sixties and was originally a water tower. For the 1990 World Cup in Italy it was renovated and revamped, turning it from a deteriorated facility into city landmark. Fila provided its products and competence in order to give a cleaned, protected façade of the Tower back to the city of Milan. The Torre Arcobaleno is completely covered in over 100,000 tiles in 10x10 modules, in 14 different colours. It was cleaned thoroughly with PH ZERO concentrated acid to remove rust and smog from the glazed ceramic tiles, while graffiti on the lower part was cancelled with NOPAINT STAR, ideal for removing marks left by spray cans on the surface. To finish, it was protected against dirt with STOP DIRT dirt-repellent and anti-graffiti protector for textured and unglazed porcelain tiles, which forms an invisible barrier on the surface, thus preventing the accumulation of dirt for easier, quicker cleaning. This redevelopment work, the costs of which were completely covered by the companies and architects who came together in the project, was a gift to Milan and the millions of visitors to the city for Expo 2015.

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