What to do if...

Clean, protect and care for

Every material needs a specific treatment, which, phase-after-phase, protects and enhances the beauty of surfaces. From pre-treatment to maintenance, the Fila System will maintain the original look and shine of your surfaces.

Washing after laying

Washing after laying

Following the purchase of a new home or after building works that include the installation of a new floor, it is essential to properly wash the surfaces to remove any residues of cement, concrete and glue created during installation.
Unfortunately very often this operation is not carried out or is carried out using products that are not specifically designed for this purpose. Over time, this can lead to problems with the floor, such as stains and discolouration.



Protecting surfaces against stains and damp is fundamental for maintaining their technical properties over time as well as their aesthetic appearance. For this reason it’s important to choose the right product based on material, location (inside or outside), type of protection (water repellent or stain proofing) and desired look (natural or colour-enhancing).

Finish protection

Finish protection

Inside floors may require a protective finish to protect them against surface wear caused by frequent foot traffic or moving chairs and furniture. This protective coat also nourishes the material and gives it the desired aesthetic appearance.

FILA has designed a range of products that are ideal for protecting each type of material and grouting:



Ordinary maintenance is nothing more than everyday cleaning. It removes dirt and fingerprints and reinforces the protective layer. In most cases this is a simple operation that is carried out quickly thanks to Fila detergents.
Under special circumstances extraordinary maintenance is required, for example: to remove stains from the floor, to remove old layers of wax, to restore the beauty of a surface that has gone opaque… FILA offers a vast range of detergents and stain removers for maintaining floors and tiles.

FILA has designed a range of products that are ideal for protecting each type of material and grouting:

Advice from the expert: pre-treatment

Advice from the expert:

Pre-treatment is not an obligatory phase but rather a recommended operation when highly absorbent materials such as terracotta and very porous stone are to be grouted. Pre-treating the material:

  • Protects surfaces from grouting residues;
  • Makes grouting easier;
  • Makes cleaning after laying easier;
  • Speeds up drying after initial washing and thereby speeds up the subsequent treatment phases.

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