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FILA quality certified by the Cosentino Group
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FILA quality certified by the Cosentino Group


The Cosentino Group, a family-owned, international company founded in Spain in 1979, is a leader in the production and distribution of highly technological and innovative surfaces for architecture and interior design.

With over a billion euros in yearly revenue and 80 distributors in 5 continents, the company’s role in global markets has solidified through the years, featuring solutions which offer a broad range of versatile applications stemming from the research and development of highly performing surfaces composed of quartz and natural stone.

FILA is therefore extremely proud to be recognised and recommended by Cosentino’s Research and Development Department. After a year of intense testing dictated by a severe compliance protocol, Cosentino has certified that FILA products are unparalleled in guaranteeing the correct maintenance of Dekton® and Silestone® surfaces.

FILA has always made it its mission to satisfy their clients through a path of innovation and research centring around the lifecycle of surfaces, from their conception to their maintenance, cleaning and protection.

In fact, with a vast selection of specific products, FILA has consolidated more than 200 partnerships with worldwide manufacturers of ceramic and natural stone surfaces.

Cosentino’s certification represents yet another important milestone which expands FILA’s positioning as a nucleus of competence, as well as the company’s prestige and leadership in the market.

FILA. All About Surfaces.

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