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FILA chooses WAMI!
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FILA chooses WAMI!


This year Fila Solutions wanted to join the water equality project of WAMI, a B-corp that makes people and companies water equal by bringing the equivalent of the water they use to communities that do not have access to this resource.

In fact, together they will balance the direct water footprint of each participant in the fair, that is, the water used directly in a day, which corresponds to about 250 liters. (questa non mi suona bene, davide)


The equivalent water will be donated to WAMI's water project in Betoho, southern Madagascar, a country where about 40 percent of the population does not have access to potable water sources. 


This project contributes to achieving some key SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda: making clean water accessible to all brings better sanitation, and it is a step toward improving gender equality and quality education, enabling girls to go to school and women to train professionally. Finally, it is critical to combating climate change because direct access to water reduces CO2 emissions. 


Each participant will be able to find out more about his or her water footprint and how to reduce it, bringing positive impact to the planet, by entering a code on the WAMI web-app and playing a journey to raise awareness about the importance of water in Italy and around the world.




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